Meet Our Team

Board of Trustees Executive Committee

Additional Members of the Board of Trustees

Green leaf close-up shot with shadows
Smiling happy woman standing against a colorful mural

Our Strategic

Testimony from our Strategic Partners

There is a need for qualified employment agencies in Hamilton County to provide individualized support for people with disabilities who want a job and need support. Genesis at Work, is well-positioned to locate and secure meaningful work for individuals with barriers to employment using the extensive network of businesses in its Inclusive Employers Program. We look forward to being a resource to the Genesis at Work team to help address this need in our community.


Nathan Beck, Transition and Employment Navigation Supervisor, Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services

Genesis at Work has a unique program called Genesis Pathway Support (GPS). I plan to promote this program to our constituents because it provides support that enriches lives for families and caregivers caring for those with special needs. I also see the organization as a resource to help provide meaningful work for our students with their network of businesses in their Inclusive Employers Program. 

Cadi Dart, Director of Collaborative Employment Education Synergy (CEES); Advancement and Transition Services, University of Cincinnati

Bryan Holland is grateful for the following people who have been instrumental in providing him with insights and ideas about the strategy for the Genesis at Work Foundation.

Chris Adams
Tammy Andersson
Nathan Beck
David Brown
Al Cambridge
Julie Combs
John Cramton
Tom Cunningham
Dennis Devlin
Karen Forgus
Miguel Garcia
Dave Hohle
Julie Holland
Jim Hudson
Megan Holland Laihinen
Bill McGrane
Jim Meyers
Galen Mills
Carol Ney
Kevin Potts
Nicole Rabinowitz
Vik Theiss
Garen Wisner