Genesis at Work, through its Genesis Pathway Support (GPS) Program, serves the community of parents/guardians with children with special needs. One way this support is operationalized is through the provision of Facebook groups that allows parents/guardians to ask questions and share information with other parents/guardians to help them successfully navigate the challenges they face in raising their child with special needs.

Two groups for parents/guardians of children with special needs are provided:

Parents/Guardians who have Children with Special Needs in High School

topics covered

  • Transportation options

  • Navigating social groups of peers and friends

  • Trade/job exposure

  • Work study options

  • Transition planning

Finding Your Child with Special Needs Meaningful Work

topics covered

  • Transportation options

  • Legal rights and regulations in the workplace

  • State and local agencies

  • Negotiating with employers

  • Networking

  • Assistive technology

  • Self-determination

The following provides important information about the groups, including rules of behavior that must be met to participate. Please read before entering either group.

Rules & Behavior

Genesis at Work asks that you follow rules to ensure that the groups have productive conversations. These rules are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply with the forum rules. Failure to comply with these rules may result in a ban from the group.

The groups’ success is dependent upon all members keeping these pages a safe place for people to share and view information. To help assure this safety, Genesis at Work requests that all members comply with the following rules when contributing:

  1. Keep it friendly. 

  2. Be courteous, respectful and appreciate that others may have an opinion different from yours. 

  3. Share your knowledge. Don’t hold back since it’s likely someone will find it useful, valuable, or interesting. When you give information, please provide your sources for reference. 

  4. Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.

Genesis at Work maintains the right to remove posts and threads to ensure that material posted isnot potentially harmful. For this reason, Gensis at Work may edit or choose not to publish any post that meets any of the following criteria:

  • Includes advice or content that is believed to be damaging, unhelpful, or distressing to others 

  • Includes swearing or offensive language, is nonsensical and/or irrelevant 

  • Promotes personal beliefs in a way that is disrespectful of the choices of others 

  • Is racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit or suggestive, abusive or otherwise discriminatory or objectionable

Join the Conversation

Parents/Guardians Who Have Children With Special Needs in High School

Finding Your Child With Special Needs Meaningful Work

Help improve this guide! We want this resource to be as useful as possible for our community. If you have ideas to improve this guide, questions about how to use it, or any other feedback, please let us know.